Wednesday, January 16, 2008

As I woke up this morning I was thinking about what to write my blog on. Also, for some random reason, I was craving the good old-fashioned oatmeal. You might say, what a weird craving. I know it's a little weird since many people don't like oatmeal but I just wanted a bowl right then and there. As long as I can remember my mom used to make oatmeal for my brothers and sister everyday before school. I remember concentrating my milk with brown sugar until I had a dark brown milk and then gobbling it all down. Now that I think about it, I was almost excited every morning to go and eat my oatmeal. Along with regular oatmeal I also enjoyed the microwavable packets too. Those were almost better. I became so used to eating the packets that I could just pour the packet into a bowl of milk and eat it without even heating it up. I don't know why, but I did. I haven't really been able to eat my brown soup anymore now that I'm in college, along with the fact that I don't have my wonderful mother there to cook me any, but every now and then I still get that same craving that I can remember as a kid.


Shannon said...

So coming to school I decided that I was going to be frugal, and what better way to do that then to eat oatmeal for breakfast. I didn't intially like oatmeal for some reason, but eventually I was eating it everymorning. Now I love it, plain, hot and with a sprinkling of brown sugar.
Do you remember that oatmeal that had the dinosaur eggs in it? And when you cooked the oatmeal they opened and had little marshmellow dino's in them? That was awesome.

Gabriel said...

How do you get the oatmeals texture right? For me I have always had a problem with it being too tacky like clay, or too runny like soup. Have you tried to dinosaur egg oatmeal? I suggest it, it breaks up the monotony of the oats by themselves.

Lizi Dorff said...

Guess what. I did the exact same thing as a kid, and I still do it now! I love drenching my hot oatmeal in milk and then slowly stirring in the brown sugar. It's so fun watching the brown sugary streaks making pathways through the oatmeal grains. Yummy.

Sherm said...

Man, I crave oatmeal all the time as well! There is just something about that brown sugar goodness mixed with yummy warm oats that just hits the spot. My mom always made oatmeal and cream of wheat for me and I always loved those kinds of breakfasts.

Alina said...

Wow! It's good to know I'm not the only one that ate oatmeal quite often as a kid. I thought it was just my dad that really liked outmeal and so he fed it to us. My dad cooked breakfast for me quite frequently and whenever he made outmeal, I too, would dump plenty of brown sugar into my bowl of outmeal. Yum!

Rob said...

I can totally relate to the oatmeal cravings, especially with brown sugar. There's nothing like waking up in the morning and finding your mom has made you a nice hot bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and milk in it. That's living.

Courtney said...

You know...I always found people who dislike oatmeal very strange. Its like the king of all comfort food, and you can make a great concoction out of it, adding different sugars, syrups, bananas,or raisens. I guess I've always liked playing with my food and the Quaker Man just helps me out with that.

El Termo said...

On my mission, I developed a taste for regular oatmeal with sugar (or maple syrup) just plain cold. Everyone thought it was gross, but I actually prefer it now to heating it up. Weird huh?